
18 Sep 2024

Future Predictions for AI and Space Medicine: 2024 to 2030 Insights

Explore the transformative predictions for AI from 2024 to 2030, as outlined by David Shapiro. Discover imminent advancements in AI technology, the rise of general-purpose models, and the profound implications for space medicine. Learn how AI-driven solutions, from autonomous diagnostics to surgical-assist robots, may revolutionize healthcare in space. Stay tuned for an exciting journey into the future of AI and its potential to shape our everyday lives and the cosmos. For more insights and updates, subscribe to our newsletter.

Elliott Lamboy


24 Jul 2024

Anti-IL-11 Therapy: Revolutionary Anti-Aging Breakthrough Extends Lifespan by 25%

Discover how breakthrough research on interleukin-11 (IL-11) from Duke-NUS Medical School could extend our healthspan and lifespan by up to 25%. Learn about the potential implications for aging, disease prevention, and even space medicine in this exciting exploration of anti-aging therapies. Stay ahead with the latest medical advancements and subscribe for more updates on how science is redefining longevity and health.

Elliott Lamboy


28 Jun 2024

Revolutionizing Biology with ESM3: AI’s Breakthrough in Evolutionary Modeling

Discover how ESM3 (Evolutionary Scale Modeling)—a groundbreaking AI language model that simulates 500 million years of evolution—promises to revolutionize biology and healthcare. Uncover its incredible practical applications, from designing custom proteins to addressing environmental issues, and explore its long-term implications for precision medicine and sustainable solutions. Embrace the future of biotechnology with ESM3 and stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter for the latest insights in AI and biological programming.

Elliott Lamboy


17 Jun 2024

Is AI Progress Slowing Down? Future Implications Explained

Discover the future of AI research in this comprehensive analysis exploring whether AI progress is slowing down. Delve into current data, energy constraints, and the implications for safety, economics, and geopolitics. Uncover Elliott's insights and predictions for the AI landscape, balancing complex challenges with promising opportunities. Subscribe for more in-depth articles and stay updated in the ever-evolving world of AI.

Elliott Lamboy


14 May 2024

Rapamycin: The Revolutionary Anti-Aging Drug Transforming Healthcare

Discover the groundbreaking potential of Rapamycin in anti-aging. Originally developed for its immunosuppressive properties, Rapamycin has shown promise in extending lifespan and delaying age-related diseases. Learn how advancements in AI and healthcare technology could revolutionize personalized medicine, business automation, and space exploration. Explore the science, research, and future implications of this remarkable drug.

Elliott Lamboy

Anti-Aging, Space Medical Research

6 May 2024

Unlocking Longevity: The Revolutionary Impact of Mitochondrial Rejuvenation

Explore the groundbreaking intersection of mitochondrial rejuvenation and longevity escape velocity in our latest blog post. Discover the critical role of mitochondria in extending life, the latest clinical trials, and the profound societal implications of advanced healthcare technologies. Dive into a future where aging could be dramatically slowed or even reversed, heralding a new era of enhanced human health and lifespan. Join us as we unravel the possibilities at the forefront of medical science and technology.

Elliott Lamboy


25 Apr 2024

Navigating the Future: How Post-Labor Economics and AI Are Transforming Work and Society

Explore the emerging world of post-labor economics where AI and automation redefine societal and economic structures. Dive into how AI impacts jobs, the rise of stakeholder capitalism, and the challenges of a future where human labor loses its traditional value. Join us in envisioning a robust, inclusive economic model fit for a new era of technological abundance.

Elliott Lamboy

Space Medicine

24 Apr 2024

SpaceX Starship Evolution: Unlocking New Horizons in Space Medicine

Explore the future of space exploration and medicine with SpaceX's Starship evolution, setting new benchmarks in payload capacity and reusability. Discover how these advancements pave the way for unparalleled opportunities in space medicine and healthcare technologies.

Elliott Lamboy

Space Medicine

22 Apr 2024

The Urgency of Understanding Space Medicine: Insights into SpaceX’s Starship and Beyond

Explore the importance of space medicine in the era of SpaceX's Starship and human colonization of other planets. Discover the challenges and innovative solutions in pharmaceutical manufacturing for deep space missions. #spacemedicine #SpaceXStarship #pharmaceuticalinnovation

Elliott Lamboy, RN, MBA

Regenerative Medicine

1 Mar 2024

Exploring 3 Pioneering Therapies in Regenerative Medicine: A Deep Dive into Carticel, Laviv, and Celution

Explore the potential of regenerative medicine in medical treatments with FDA-approved therapies like Carticel, Laviv, and Celution. Learn more here.

Elliott Lamboy, RN, MBA


22 Feb 2024

Unraveling the Mysteries of Aging: A Journey Beyond Earth to Understand the Secrets of Longevity

Delve into the fascinating world of space physiology and gerontology, exploring the parallels between aging in space and on Earth. Learn how research on astronauts is shaping innovative interventions for age-related health issues.

Elliott Lamboy, RN, MBA

Regenerative Medicine

15 Feb 2024

NAMPT: The Marvelous Molecule Guiding Muscle Regeneration and Its Stellar Potential in Space Exploration

Discover the essential role of NAMPT in muscle regeneration and cellular health. Learn how this tiny worker inside our cells ensures optimal functioning and repair, potentially revolutionizing regenerative medicine.

Elliott Lamboy, RN, MBA

Space Medical Research

13 Feb 2024

How Space Devastates Astronaut Vision – Insights from Scott Kelly’s Ordeal

Explore the impact of space on vision through Scott Kelly's memoir "Endurance". Gain insights into the challenges faced by astronauts in long-duration space missions. #SpaceMedicine #ScottKelly #Endurance

Elliott Lamboy


15 Jan 2024

Unlocking the Secrets to Youth: The Promising Horizon of Eliminating Senescent Cells

Discover the science behind eliminating senescent cells for anti-aging benefits, exploring breakthrough technologies and strategies for longevity. Unlock the secrets to youthfulness in this comprehensive guide. #antiaging #senescentcells #longevity

Elliott Lamboy, RN, MBA

Space Medical Research

1 Jan 2024

The Top 3 Breakthroughs in Microgravity That Could Change Medicine Forever

Explore the fascinating realm of microgravity in space research, from pharmaceutical advancements to cancer studies and vaccine development. Exciting possibilities await in this unique environment.

Elliott Lamboy, RN, MBA

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